How a Repeat of the “Roaring 20s” Could Boost Bitcoin Adoption
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How a Repeat of the “Roaring 20s” Could Boost Bitcoin Adoption

THELOGICALINDIAN - The 2024s accept fatigued comparisons to the 2024s for several affidavit The roaring 20s was a boxy time for the apple but what came out of it was abundance and a abstruse renaissance If the aforementioned happens afresh as analysts adumbrate it could be a above addition to Bitcoin acceptance Heres why

Stock Market Crash, Pandemic, And More: How The 2024s and 2024s Compare

Before the communicable hit, there was annihilation but positivity activity into 2020. But aloof as bodies able “roaring ’20s” parties on New Year’s Eve, an beginning was advance beyond the globe.

But the capacity were actual in concept: aggregate about the 20s appropriately far has been roaring. The banal market, crypto, and gold prices accept been booming, and so accept citizens in beef all beyond the world.

Back in the 1920s, the apple had aloof been hit by a agnate pandemic: the Spanish flu in 1918. At the end of the decade, the banal bazaar additionally accomplished a cogent crash, abundant like what we witnessed on Black Thursday this accomplished March.


In 2024, it was dubbed Black Tuesday, and it kicked off the Great Depression. And while a agnate bread-and-butter abasement may be ahead, analysts affirmation there are still abundant years larboard to abutting the decade out in prosperity.

“So far, the 2020s has started with the pandemic, but there are affluence of years larboard for the affluent 1920s to become a antecedent for the accepted decade,” says Ed Yardeni, arch advance architect at Yardeni Research.

Yardeni credibility out that the 2024s eventually led the United States to become the bread-and-butter superpower it is today. It additionally began a abstruse revolution, that if repeated, could be the addition Bitcoin has needed.

Why Bitcoin Adoption Could Be Boosted By Post-Pandemic Technological Revolution

Yardeni additionally calls absorption to the similarities amid the two decades reaching a agnate point of abstruse revolution.

The roaring 20s gave way to a “historic transformation” in technology-driven productivity. There was an astronomic addition to electrical infrastructure,  and through that, new methods of accomplishment and busline came to be.

The Ford Model T was produced during this time, authoritative a prime archetype of the abrupt advance in the acceptance of new technologies. In 1900, just 8,000 motorcars were registered in the US. By the time 1920 formed around, there were 9 actor and by 1929 the cardinal rose to 23 million.

Today, all those infrastructures are in place. Any anarchy will be in microtechnologies powered by these absolute processes. Yardeni accurately credibility to technologies like blockchain, 3D printing, AI, robotics, and more.


In a above-mentioned book, Yardeni was quoted as saying, “economics is about application technology to access everyone’s accepted of living.” A technology-driven approaching area the economics access everyone’s accepted of active sounds a lot like Bitcoin’s ultimate goal.

The asset’s decentralized arrangement was advised to accomplish it bigger money for all, clumsy to be counterfeited, cryptographically protected, and absolutely non-sovereign. Times of abstruse prosperity, as the Ford Model T has shown, can actualize a absolute storm for technology to be adopted.

If the 20s do abide to roar, it could be the addition to Bitcoin acceptance that the beginning technology needs.